Real Estate Newbies Did You Check Your Relationship to Money?

I thought this would be a good time to revisit the last blog post and speak about what I learned so far. I’ve been really thinking about my money situation and what I could do to change it for the better. After reading T. Harv Eker’s book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, I thought this would be a good time to think about some money rules – my money rules. I first heard about this concept from Loral Langemeier. Others may have mentioned it but I remember her specifically speaking about money rules. So far my first money rule is to pay myself first no matter how much money I have.  For money information about Loral and her money rules check out I started with thirty cents – that’s right – 30 cents. I took three small envelopes labeled savings, investment and charity and put one dime in each and I will grow from there. T. Harv said in his book if all you have is one dollar then manage that $1.00 well so that you show the universe you are ready for more. I don’t know about you guys but I am so ready for more but I have to show the universe that I can handle what I have no matter how little it may be.

What about you? Manage your dollar well.

I’ll keep you posted.

Be Joyous, Be Grateful, Be Abundant.